Jurnal Pascasarjana Universitas Mataram
Mataram University under the Indonesian Ministry of Education and Culture that provides a journal publications from research results in various fields of science from researchers in the world. The research results can be accessed freely (Open Access) so that anyone can benefit from reading and reused for research. Detailed information on journal publications see below
Unram Journal of Community Service
Accredited SINTA 4, Unram Journal of Community Services (UJCS) publish four times a year (March, June, September, December)
ALEXANDRIA (Journal of Economics, Business, & Entrepreneurship)
Accredited SINTA 5, ALEXANDRIA (Journal of Economics, Business, and Entrepreneurship) will focus on providing quality research...
JPAP (Jurnal Praktisi Administrasi Pendidikan)
Not Accredited SINTA, JPAP (Jurnal Praktisi Administrasi Pendidikan) is currently published 2 times a year, in January and...
International Journal of Contextual Science Education
Not Accredited SINTA, International Journal of Contextual Science Education (IJCSE) published four times a year (March, June,...
Contextual Natural Science Education Journal
Not Accredited SINTA, Contextual Natural Science Education Journal , is currently published 4 times a year, in March, June,...
Jurnal Pengabdian Pendidikan IPA Kontekstual
Not Accredited SINTA, Jurnal Pengabdian Pendidikan IPA Kontekstual merupakan salah satu jurnal Program Studi Doktor Pendidikan...
Journal of Sustainable Dryland Agricultural Systems
Not Accredited SINTA, Journal of Sustainable Dryland Agricultural Systems (JoSDAS) is currently published 2 times a year, in...
Unram Journal of Social Science
Not Accredited SINTA, Unram Journal of Social Sciences (UJSS) is currently published 2 times a year, in June and December.
Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education
Not Accredited SINTA, Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education (JAIE) published two times a year (April and October)
MAGIPA: Journal Of Community Service
Not Accredited SINTA, MAGIPA: Journal Of Community Service is currently published 2 times a year, in January and July.
Journal of Multidisciplinary Science and Natural Resource Management
Journal of Multidisciplinary Science and Natural Resource Management is a multidisciplinary peer-reviewed open-access journal...