Meeting 21st-Century Challenges: Cultivating Critical Thinking Skills through a Computational Chemistry-Aided STEM Project-Based Learning Approach
Vol. 1 No. 2 (2024): March 2024Articles
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This research aims to explore the impact of a computational chemistry-supported STEM Project-Based Learning (PjBL-STEM) application on fostering critical thinking competencies. The project focuses on green energy, utilizing waste cooking oil and aluminum to enhance students' critical thinking skills. A pre-experimental design was employed for this study, involving a sample of 22 students. Data were collected using the 21st-Century Skills Usage Scale, along with structured and semi-structured interview forms. Critical thinking was assessed through a descriptive test comprising 10 questions. The collected data were analyzed using the Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test and thematic analysis techniques. The analysis revealed a significant improvement in the students' 21st-century skills, such as autonomy, collaboration, environmental sensitivity, communication, problem-solving, creativity, responsibility, and IT literacy. Particularly notable was the students' ability to interpret structured and patterned graphical data, which they found easier to understand compared to image and narrative data. The N-gain test results indicated that the STEM-PjBL model had a positive impact on developing critical thinking abilities, with 50% of students achieving medium and high categories. Overall, the STEM-PjBL model positively influenced the development of critical thinking competencies.
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Author Biographies
Hulyadi, Chemistry Education Department, Faculty of Technology and Applied Science, Mandalika University of Education, Indonesia
Faizul Bayani, Qamarul Huda Badaruddin Bagu University
Ferniawan, Physics Education Program at the Teacher Training and Education Science Institute in Bima, Indonesia
Sri Rahmawati, Physics Education Program at the Teacher Training and Education Science Institute in Bima, Indonesia
Liswijaya, Pharmacy Program at Medica Farma Husada Polytechnic in Mataram, Indonesia
Intan Kusuma Wardani, Sports education program, Mandalika University of Education, Indonesia
Ni Nengah Sri Swati, Supervisor of the junior high school education unit of the Mataram city education department, Indonesia
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