Application of Symposium Learning Method to Enhance High School Students' Critical Disposition and Critical Thinking Skills in Addressing Socioscientific Issues in Biology


Ririn Mardiana Saputri , AA Sukarso , Prapti Sedijani , Agus Ramdani






Vol. 1 No. 2 (2024): March 2024


Symposium Learning Method, critical disposition, critical thinking, high school, biology education



How to Cite

Saputri, R. M., Sukarso, A., Sedijani, P., & Ramdani, A. (2024). Application of Symposium Learning Method to Enhance High School Students’ Critical Disposition and Critical Thinking Skills in Addressing Socioscientific Issues in Biology . International Journal of Contextual Science Education, 1(2), 65–75.


This study explores the effectiveness of the Symposium Learning Method in enhancing critical disposition and critical thinking skills among high school students in the context of biology education. Employing a quasi-experimental design, the research compares the outcomes of students instructed using the Symposium Learning Method with those taught through conventional methods. Pre-test and post-test assessments were conducted to evaluate students' critical disposition and critical thinking skills. The findings reveal a significant improvement in both critical disposition and critical thinking skills among students exposed to the Symposium Learning Method. This underscores the method's efficacy in promoting active participation, collaborative learning, and deeper engagement with course material. The study emphasizes the importance of innovative teaching approaches in nurturing critical thinking skills essential for addressing complex societal issues in biology education.


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Author Biographies

Ririn Mardiana Saputri, Dr. Aa Sukarso,M.Sc

AA Sukarso, Mataram University

Prapti Sedijani, Mataram University

Agus Ramdani, Mataram University