The Internal Management Strategy of Chinese Internet Enterprises and Business Performance: A Study of Tencent Internet Enterprises in China
Vol. 5 No. 1 (2024): AprilKeywords:
Internal Management, Strategy, Business PerformanceArticles
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The objective of this research is to examine the relationship between the internal management strategy of Chinese internet enterprises and business performance. The research results in the fields of business models and innovations, internet business models and their innovation theories and practices, and business ethics are analyzed and discussed, while the internet development process of China is reviewed. Then, the existing problems are analyzed, and the concerned field and concepts in this study are clarified. Based on previous theoretical research and market research, the research methodology is designed, the research hypotheses are proposed, and the research models are constructed to perform quantitative and qualitative research. Next, the cases of Baidu, Alibaba and Tencent are engaged to conduct empirical analysis and verify the conclusions. The correlation analysis show that the impact on corporate financial performance is positive when social responsibility to shareholders, creditors, users, and government is undertaken, which is consistent with the original hypothesis. However, fulfilling social responsibility to employees and suppliers is significantly and negatively related to financial performance, which is inconsistent with the original hypothesis. Therefore, companies should take a long-term perspective and not just see short-term benefits at the expense of long-term social benefits. Companies pay attention to and carry out a series of social responsibility activities can establish stable emotional ties with the public, so that the company can gain the support and trust of many parties in society, and can enhance market competitiveness and bring good development opportunities, thus improving the viability of the company and increasing social and economic value for the company
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Author Biography
Guo Yufeng, City University, Petaling Jaya
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