Philosophy of Watershed Management as an Effort to Control Flood and Drought Reviewed from Axiological Philosophy
Vol. 1 No. 1 (2025): MarchKeywords:
Watershed Management Philosophy, Axiological Philosophy, Floods and Droughts, Hydrology IntroductionArticles
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The management of watersheds plays a crucial role in maintaining ecological stability and mitigating the impacts of natural disasters, such as floods and droughts. As human activities, such as deforestation and unsustainable land-use practices, continue to put pressure on watershed ecosystems, the risks of environmental degradation increase. This study aims to examine the philosophy of watershed management through an axiological philosophy lens, with a focus on its potential to control flood and drought occurrences. A systematic literature review was conducted, analyzing articles published between 2015 and 2025, sourced from reputable online databases like Scopus. The findings indicate that effective watershed management requires an integrated approach, balancing human needs with environmental sustainability. Key strategies for managing watersheds include controlling erosion, restoring vegetation, and ensuring water quality. Additionally, the axiological perspective emphasizes the importance of ethical and moral considerations in addressing the socio-environmental consequences of watershed degradation. This research concludes that comprehensive watershed management, which includes social, economic, and institutional considerations, is essential for ensuring long-term environmental sustainability. It is recommended that policymakers adopt a holistic approach to watershed management to mitigate the adverse effects of land-use changes and improve flood and drought resilience.
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