Dissemination of Kaffah Model of Learning through In House Training (IHT)
Vol 1 No 1 (2023): December 2023Kata Kunci:
Student responses to prospective teachers, Kaffah learning, Bernoulli's principleArticles
Cara Mengutip
This study describes the responses of prospective teacher students to learning the Bernoulli principle. The research design used descriptive research with a sample of 38 prospective teacher students from PGMI State Islamic University of Mataram. Data was obtained from response questionnaires with 3 indicators, namely happy, easy to understand and useful. As a result, the response of prospective teacher students to Kaffah learning is very good and has a positive impact on them. Kaffah learning integrates religion, science, application and meaningfulness from a single concept. This learning is expected to contribute to the development of the ability of prospective teacher students in planning, implementing and evaluating learning.
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