Journal of Sustainable Dryland Agricultural Systems

Not Accredited SINTA, Journal of Sustainable Dryland Agricultural Systems (JoSDAS) is currently published 2 times a year, in June and December.

Online ISSN: 2807-1727

Journal of Sustainable Dryland Agricultural Systems (JoSDAS) with an online ISSN (e-ISSN 2807-1727) is the official journal of the Study Program of Masters in Dryland Agriculture of the Post Graduate Program in the University of Mataram, Mataram, Lombok, Indonesia. It is an international open-access online scientific journal aimed to publish results of researches related to the biophysical and socio-economic aspects for increasing productivity and sustainability of dryland (and rainfed) agricultural systems both in the tropical and subtropical regions of the world.

Journal of Sustainable Dryland Agricultural Systems publishes one volume consisting of two issues (end of June and end of December) per year, but if in the subsequent years, the submitted papers increase substantially, the frequency of publication will be increased to up to four issues per year. The journal publishes only research articles written in English (US English) and it is an open access journal, and free of APC charge, so that it's free to publish and free for the authors and the readers to read and to download its published articles from anywhere in the world.