Focus and Scope
JAIE publishes papers concerned with the application of AI to education. It aims to help the development of principles for the design of computer-based learning systems. Its premise is that such principles involve the modelling and representation of relevant aspects of knowledge, before implementation or during execution, and hence require the application of AI techniques and concepts. JAIE has a very broad notion of the scope of AI and of a 'computer-based learning system', as indicated by the following list of topics considered to be within the scope of JAIE:
- adaptive and intelligent multimedia and hypermedia systems
- agent-based learning environments
- AIE and teacher education
- architectures for AIE systems
- assessment and testing of learning outcomes
- authoring systems and shells for AIE systems
- bayesian and statistical methods
- case-based systems
- cognitive development
- cognitive models of problem-solving
- cognitive tools for learning
- computer-assisted language learning
- computer-supported collaborative learning
- dialogue (argumentation, explanation, negotiation, etc.)
- discovery environments and microworlds
- distributed learning environments
- educational robotics
- embedded training systems
- empirical studies to inform the design of learning environments
- environments to support the learning of programming
- evaluation of AIE systems
- formal models of components of AIE systems
- help and advice systems
- human factors and interface design
- instructional design principles
- instructional planning
- intelligent agents on the internet
- intelligent courseware for computer-based training
- intelligent tutoring systems
- knowledge and skill acquisition
- knowledge representation for instruction
- modelling metacognitive skills
- modelling pedagogical interactions
- motivation
- natural language interfaces for instructional systems
- networked learning and teaching systems
- neural models applied to AIE systems
- performance support systems
- practical, real-world applications of AIE systems
- qualitative reasoning in simulations
- situated learning and cognitive apprenticeship
- social and cultural aspects of learning
- student modelling and cognitive diagnosis
- support for knowledge building communities
- support for networked communication
- theories of learning and conceptual change
- tools for administration and curriculum integration
- tools for the guided exploration of information resources