Unram Journal of Community Service 2024-03-28T09:35:01+08:00 Prof. Bambang Hari Kusumo Open Journal Systems <p style="text-align: justify;"><strong>Accredited SINTA 4, </strong><strong><a href="">Unram Journal of Community Services (UJCS)</a></strong> <span class="VIiyi" lang="en"><span class="JLqJ4b ChMk0b" data-language-for-alternatives="en" data-language-to-translate-into="id" data-phrase-index="0">publish four times a year (March, June, September, December)</span></span></p> Vegetable Cultivation Using Residents' Yard Land to Increase Food Security in Gelanggang Village, East Sakra District, East Lombok Regency 2024-02-12T10:30:16+08:00 Abdul Kahar Hulfiatun Hanani Mohamad Rido Rizwan Juniarti Juniarti Yuliana Yuliana Ruhil Fitri Nabilah Nabilah Ulvi Intan Komalasari Muhammad Fathan Rudi Azhari Hikmawati Hikmawati <p>Gelanggang Village is one of the villages located in East Sakra District, East Lombok Regency, which has great potential in the agricultural sector and almost 90% of the people living in Gelanggang village work as farmers. However, other plants such as vegetables, which are one of the food necessities, are not widely planted and cultivated, because they are considered less productive for the community. Apart from that, the people of Gelanggang village also have large plots of land which are not utilized. The aim of the main KKN-PMD program activities in Gelanggang Village is to provide education regarding the use of residents' yards for cultivating vegetable crops and increasing the food security of the Gelanggang Village community. The stages in carrying out the main KKN-PMD work program activities in Gelanggang Village are the first stage sowing vegetable seeds, the second stage making Verticulture shelves and the last stage carrying out outreach. The result obtained from this activity is that by conducting outreach related to vegetable cultivation, this can provide education regarding the use of residents' yard land for cultivating vegetable plants. Apart from that, this outreach is also an effort to increase the food security of the Gelanggang village community</p> 2024-03-22T00:00:00+08:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Abdul Kahar, Hulfiatun Hanani, Mohamad Rido Rizwan, Juniarti, Yuliana, Ruhil Fitri, Nabilah, Ulvi Intan Komalasari, Muhammad Fathan, Rudi Azhari, Hikmawati Fostering Higher Order Thinking Skills in Mathematics Learning: A Scoping Review of Teacher Development Initiatives 2024-02-01T15:09:28+08:00 Ega Gradini Ali Umar Firmansyah Firmansyah Yusuf Effendi Winardi Winardi <p>This community service program aimed to enhance both the understanding and application of Higher-Order Thinking Skills (HOTs) in mathematics instruction for participating teachers. Employing a targeted professional development approach informed by the Community-Based Participatory Research (CBPR) framework, the program equipped 21 mathematics teachers from Musyawarah Guru Mata Pelajaran (MGMP) in Aceh Tengah District, Indonesia, with the necessary knowledge and pedagogical strategies to foster and cultivate high-level thinking skills in their students. The program demonstrably improved teachers' knowledge, skills, and commitment towards implementing HOTs-oriented instruction. While areas like solving HOTs questions necessitate further attention, the overall results suggest success, paving the way for continued advancements in promoting deep-thinking and problem-solving skills in mathematics education. Analysis of the data reveals a positive impact of the program on teachers' understanding of HOTs. While areas such as problem-solving and critical thinking require further development, the program evidently achieved its goals of raising awareness, knowledge, and application skills related to HOTs. Building upon this foundation, future interventions can delve deeper into these advanced skills, further empowering teachers to cultivate critical thinking and problem-solving abilities in their students.</p> 2024-03-22T00:00:00+08:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Ega Gradini, Ali Umar, Firmansyah, Yusuf Effendi, Winardi The Training on the use of Phet and Pascal Applications to Enhance Critical Thinking Skills and Physics Learning Outcomes for Students of SMAN 1 Gunungsari, West Lombok 2023-09-24T09:19:34+08:00 Muhammad Taufik Susilawati Susilawati Jannatin ‘Ardhuha Hikmawati Hikmawati Ni Nyoman Sri Putu Verawati <p>The training program is intended to provide SMAN 1 Gunungsari, West Lombok students the abilities they need to use the PhET and Pascal software efficiently. The main goals of the training are to provide students with the skills necessary to use and navigate these programs efficiently to improve physics learning results<strong>. </strong>Participants will learn how to use the PhET and Pascal software to conduct physics experiments, depict difficult ideas, and solve demanding issues through an organized training program and interactive sessions. The training will also emphasize helping students strengthen their critical thinking abilities as they investigate the connections between theoretical concepts and actual experiences. The program will include several practical exercises and demonstrations to ensure that students not only learn the theory but also have the practical skills necessary to use PhET and Pascal successfully. It is expected that these abilities would improve their physics learning process overall. After the training, students will be required to demonstrate improved PhET and Pascal skills, as well as their ability to independently study physics principles, conduct experiments, and use critical thinking to solve problems. As students utilize the potential of these strong tools for learning, this training program signifies an important milestone in empowering them to achieve success in their physics studies as well as afterwards.</p> 2024-03-22T00:00:00+08:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Muhammad Taufik, Susilawati, Jannatin ‘Ardhuha, Hikmawati, Ni Nyoman Sri Putu Verawati Introduction of Superior Varieties and Seeds Quality in Shallot Cultivation in "Sumber Hidup" the Farmer Group Sigerongan Village 2023-09-15T14:11:15+08:00 A. Farid Hemon Kisman Kisman AA Ketut Sudarmawan Lestari Ujito <p>Members of the "Sumber Hidup" farmer group mostly carry out farming on narrow fields of land with very low yields. One alternative for developing farming businesses on limited land was the use of superior varieties and quality seeds of shallot. To achieve this goal, activities have been carried out to apply science and technology, both in the training/counseling and plot demonstrations (action research) for farmers. The method used in training was adult education with participatory techniques. The resulting output was an increase in the skills and knowledge of partner farmers. The demonstration plot that has been carried out was action research based on the results of research that has been carried out previously. The demonstration plot that has been done was to compare the planting of superior varieties of shallots with shallot seeds originating from farmers. The results of the activity showed that members of the "Sumber Hidup" farmer group who participated in the extension were very responsive to community service activities. Farmers heard and asked several questions related to planting superior varieties and quality shallot seeds on limited land. Participants were very active in every activity such as selecting seeds, making demonstration plots, planting, hilling, weeding and harvesting activities. The process of technological transformation of the use of superior varieties and quality seeds of shallots on limited land has occurred in the "Sumber Hidup" farmer group. The results of the demonstration plot showed that superior varieties produced 5-7 tons per hectare of shallot</p> 2024-03-22T00:00:00+08:00 Copyright (c) 2024 A. Farid Hemon, Kisman, AA Ketut Sudarmawan, Lestari Ujito Supervising in the Implementation of Integrated Pest Management (IPM) in good Horticultural Practices in the Sembalun agrotourism area 2023-08-23T10:06:11+08:00 M. Sarjan Taufik Fauzi Ruth Stella Thei Aluh Nikmatullah Achmad Fajar Narotama Sarjan <p>The use of natural enemies as pest control has long been known, but has been largely replaced by the rapid development of chemical pesticide industry technology, especially since the green revolution. One alternative pest control technology that is quite promising to be developed is the use of biological agents (predators or parasotoids) that have more natural characteristics than chemical characteristics. With the presence of natural enemies which are then used to suppress pest populations, it will be safe for human health and the environment. It can be hoped that the agricultural products produced will be acceptable and highly competitive on the global market. Considering the Sembalun area as a tourism destination, it will be very relevant if the local community understands good horticultural practices. The intervention of using technology for farmers as an alternative in good Horticultural Cultivation is highly expected by farmers in the Sembalun area. Therefore, assistance is needed to implement integrated Pest Management in good Horticultural practices. The method used in this activity is the Action Research Method by applying a Participatory Action Program approach from participants through discussion and group work in all activities. The result is that farmers are very interested in implementing good horticultural cultivation, especially with habitat management approaches such as using refugia plants to control pests. Participating farmers increase their knowledge and skills to recognize differences in pests and natural enemies (predators and parasitoids) found on potato plants that are integrated with refugia plants. The target group has increased knowledge and understanding of the importance of implementing Integrated Pest Management (IPM) practices in horticultural cultivation. It is hoped that training and assistance activities for healthy horticultural cultivation efforts will continue both by the university team and related agencies. This kind of activity needs to be continued by the participating group and spread to other groups nearby. There is a need for assistance in applying for Prima 3 and Prima 2 food safety certification to farmer groups in the Sembalun Agrotourism Area, so that the number of products from certified horticultural business actors will increase. Activities to implement Integrated Pest Management in horticultural farming business groups in the Sembalun Tourism Area need to continue</p> 2024-03-22T00:00:00+08:00 Copyright (c) 2024 M. Sarjan, Taufik Fauzi, Ruth Stella Thei, Aluh Nikmatullah Socialization of White Jack Bean Tempe Production as a Strategy to Reduce Stunting Rates in Gumantar Village, North Lombok Regency 2024-03-06T20:33:11+08:00 Yudi Pratama Putra Luh Adhira Wrethykandayun Tia Zarleni Fitriananda Fitriananda Agus Salim Irwandi Muhamad Abdul Rahman Liliyan Wulandhari Yunan Sadrian Puji Indriani Sukma Dewita Apriliana Baiq Dian Apriliani I Komang Damar Jaya <p>Gumantar Village is in North Lombok Regency, West Nusa Tenggara. This village is classified as a developing village with many problems, including stunting. Stunting is caused by mothers and children's lack of adequate nutrition and nutrients, which impacts children's physical and mental growth as the nation's golden generation. Therefore, it is vital to prevent stunting in Gumantar Village, considering the village is the frontline in eradicating stunting. To prevent stunting, the KKN-PMD group of Mataram University initiated the utilization of white Jack bean (<em>Canavalia ensiformis</em>) as a raw material for making tempeh to replace soybeans to increase nutritious food and the economy in Gumantar Village. The activity was carried out from December 2023 to January 2024. This tempeh-making aimed to fulfill the community's nutritional intake through tempeh, which is rich in properties and nutrients and can become a community income to improve the economy. The method used through the work program to reduce stunting rates in Gumantar Village was healthy village socialization on stunting prevention, a stunting campaign through Posyandu, and nutritious food demonstrations to make tempeh from white Jack beans. Other activities carried out to prevent stunting were sexual education to children and socialization of early marriage to adolescents who are experiencing the puberty phase. The results of the socialization activities and demonstrations of processing white Jack beans as a primary ingredient for making tempeh were that the community had a better understanding of how to prevent stunting and how to make tempeh from white Jack beans—most of the community members like the tempeh both in terms of taste, shape, and texture. Participants well accepted sexual education and early marriage socialization.</p> 2024-03-22T00:00:00+08:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Yudi Pratama Putra, Luh Adhira Wrethykandayun, Tia Zarleni, Fitriananda, Agus Salim Irwandi, Muhamad Abdul Rahman, Liliyan Wulandhari, Yunan Sadrian, Puji Indriani Sukma, Dewita Apriliana, Baiq Dian Apriliani, I Komang Damar Jaya School Environmental Education Activities to Enhance Plant Utilization for Students at SDN Kuin Cerucuk V, Banjarmasin City 2024-03-09T19:51:16+08:00 Kaspul Kaspul Nurul hidayati Utami <p>Students' knowledge about plants is crucial. The school environment serves not only as a place containing various types of plants but also as a learning resource. Some plants available in the school environment have the potential for medicinal use as well as aesthetic purposes. The purpose of this activity is to enhance student's knowledge about the utilization of plants in the school environment through educational activities at SDN Kuin Cerucuk V, Banjarmasin. The activity was conducted at SDN Kuin Cerucuk V with 64 students from grades 4, 5, and 6, along with 7 teachers. Besides the importance of conducting education about medicinal plants, similar activities regarding the utilization of medicinal plants in the vicinity of SDN Kuin Cerucuk V, Banjarmasin, have not been conducted before. Based on the service results, it is known that the educational activity on the utilization of plants around the environment shows a positive response and enthusiasm. The educational activities were carried out through lectures in classrooms and using posters as a publication medium. The results of the education show that there was an increase in students' knowledge, with a pre-education average of 10.91 and a post-education average of 89.01. The improvement in knowledge can contribute to teaching and learning activities</p> 2024-03-22T00:00:00+08:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Kaspul, Nurul hidayati Utami Introducing Indonesian endemism, its threat and conservation solution for SMA Negeri 10 students in Kamarian Village, West Seram Regency, Maluku 2024-03-28T09:35:01+08:00 Handy Erwin Pier Leimena Cecilia Anna Seumahu Dece Elizabeth Sahertian Abdul Mahid Ukratalo Martha Kaihena <p>West Seram Regency on Seram Island in Maluku Province, Indonesia has extraordinary biodiversity and is the habitat of several endemic species of Maluku and Indonesia. As a form of implementation of the dharma of community service, socialization was conducted with students of SMA Negeri 10 in Kamarian Village, West Seram Regency, Maluku about Indonesian endemism, its threats and conservation. The socialization was attended by 38 students. The socialization results indicate that 91% of students demonstrated a good understanding of endemic species, and 82% of students obtained information on endemic species from this activity. Additionally, students were able to identify 11 Indonesian endemic species, as well as the threats and efforts to protect them. This activity has the potential to increase environmental awareness among school students, the nation's young generation.</p> 2024-03-25T00:00:00+08:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Handy Erwin Pier Leimena, Cecilia Anna Seumahu, Dece Elizabeth Sahertian, Abdul Mahid Ukratalo, Martha Kaihena