Extension on Efforts to Increase the Quality of Gumantar Coffee Through Improved Harvest and Post-Harvest Techniques


Lalu Wahyu Ardis Pandya , Sibyanula Prisetyatna , Nia Apriani , Baiq Nova Yuliastri , M. Raka Ramadhan , Salsabila Oktaviani , Eva Yuniarti , Fitri Wulandari , Reinasha Cahya Anindy , Nanda Meilina Cahyani , Liana Suryaningsih Badrun , I Komang Damar Jaya






Vol. 5 No. 3 (2024): September


Facilitation, Partnership, Marketing, Capacity building, Processing, Sangakopi



How to Cite

Pandya, L. W. A., Prisetyatna, S., Apriani, N., Yuliastri, B. N., Ramadhan, M. R., Oktaviani, S., … Jaya, I. K. D. (2024). Extension on Efforts to Increase the Quality of Gumantar Coffee Through Improved Harvest and Post-Harvest Techniques. Unram Journal of Community Service, 5(3), 155–162. https://doi.org/10.29303/ujcs.v5i3.703


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The quality of coffee, including taste and aroma, is determined mainly by the timeliness of harvesting and post-harvest processes. The quality of Robusta coffee produced in Tenggorong Hamlet, Gumantar Village, North Lombok Regency is still relatively low because the harvesting of coffee beans is carried out using the strip picking method and not the selective picking method. The post-harvest method is still inappropriate, especially in the section for producing green beans. This extension aimed to improve the quality of Gumantar Village coffee through activities to increase farmers' knowledge and capacity in conducting harvest and post-harvest processes. Marketing facilitation activities were also carried out using various applicable process standards. The results and evaluation of the activities showed an increase in coffee farmers' knowledge and capacity in selective picking and post-harvest coffee processing. Coffee processing methods that determine the taste, such as green bean preparation and roasting, have also been well understood. The facilitation has resulted in a business identification number (NIB), label and packaging logo with 'Sangakopi' product brand rights, halal certificate, and distribution permit. It is expected that 'Sangakopi' products will enter the NTB Mall shortly.


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Author Biographies

Lalu Wahyu Ardis Pandya, University of Mataram

Sibyanula Prisetyatna, University of Mataram

Nia Apriani, University of Mataram

Baiq Nova Yuliastri, University of Mataram

M. Raka Ramadhan, University of Mataram

Salsabila Oktaviani, University of Mataram

Eva Yuniarti, University of Mataram

Fitri Wulandari, University of Mataram

Reinasha Cahya Anindy, University of Mataram

Nanda Meilina Cahyani, University of Mataram

Liana Suryaningsih Badrun, University of Mataram

I Komang Damar Jaya, Scopus ID: 55167255600, University of Mataram, Mataram

Professor in Plant Science

Department of Agronomy, Faculty of Agriculture University of Mataram


Copyright (c) 2024 Lalu Wahyu Ardis Pandya, Sibyanula Prisetyatna, Nia Apriani, Baiq Nova Yuliastri, M. Raka Ramadhan, Salsabila Oktaviani, Eva Yuniarti, Fitri Wulandari, Reinasha Cahya Anindy, Nanda Meilina Cahyani, Liana Suryaningsih Badrun, I Komang Damar Jaya

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