Upaya Pencegahan Stunting Melalui Program Pelatihan Pengolahan Makanan Tambahan (PMT) Berbasis Pangan Lokal di Desa Sorinomo Kecamatan Pekat, Kabupaten Dompu


Sari Wasila Utami , Vivin Zuhratun , Candra Januarni Kartika , Muhammad Yadinul Maulidi , Aniatul Khasanah , Meli Ayana Juniati , Puji Asma Ulandari , Nurhidayah , Ziyad Nabil Pratama , Inrico Invantri Soares , A. Farid Hemon






Vol. 4 No. 3 (2023): September


Stunting, Additional food, Local food



How to Cite

Utami, S. W. ., Zuhratun, V. ., Kartika, C. J. ., Maulidi, M. Y. ., Khasanah, A. ., Juniati, M. A., … Hemon, A. F. (2023). Upaya Pencegahan Stunting Melalui Program Pelatihan Pengolahan Makanan Tambahan (PMT) Berbasis Pangan Lokal di Desa Sorinomo Kecamatan Pekat, Kabupaten Dompu. Unram Journal of Community Service, 4(3), 90–94. https://doi.org/10.29303/ujcs.v4i3.466


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This activity aims to prevent stunting through training in processing additional food based on local food. Stunting prevention activities have been carried out through community participation methods, program socialization, and training in processing local food-based supplements. Activities are carried out by involving the community such as PKK mothers, pregnant women, breastfeeding mothers and the general public. The resource persons for this activity were Calabai II Nanga Kara Health Center staff and Mataram University KKN students. The training material that has been delivered is the processing of local food-based food additives and socialization of the dangers and prevention of stunting for children. KKN students are also involved by delivering material about "the dangers of early marriage and environmental cleanliness. The results of this activity showed that the community was very enthusiastic about participating in the training which was marked by the presence of the participants' mothers and the occurrence of questions and answers between the participants and the resource persons. The question and answer process occurred because the participants were curious about the processing of additional food and stunting prevention


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Author Biographies

Sari Wasila Utami, University of Mataram

Vivin Zuhratun, University of Mataram

Candra Januarni Kartika, University of Mataram

Muhammad Yadinul Maulidi, University of Mataram

Aniatul Khasanah, University of Mataram

Meli Ayana Juniati, University of Mataram

Puji Asma Ulandari, University of Mataram

Nurhidayah, University of Mataram

Ziyad Nabil Pratama, University of Mataram

Inrico Invantri Soares, University of Mataram

A. Farid Hemon, Pascasarjana Universitas Mataram


Copyright (c) 2023 Sari Wasila Utami, Vivin Zuhratun, Candra Januarni Kartika, Muhammad Yadinul Maulidi, Aniatul Khasanah, Meli Ayana Juniati, Puji Asma Ulandari, Nurhidayah, Ziyad Nabil Pratama, Inrico Invantri Soares, A. Farid Hemon

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