Efforts to Improve Product Quality and Marketing of Palm Sugar Through Branding and E-Catalog in Karang Bayan Village, Lingsar District, West Lombok Regency


Riyan Rifki Rivaldi , Sofianti Safitri , Devita Arianti , Farida Fasa , Imtiyaaz Yaasmiin , Komang Tri Ayu Widiantari , Wirawan Adi Pratama , Johanes Alexander Andry Sutanto , Lovina Rachmayani , Sri Andini Listiawati , Susilawati






Vol. 5 No. 2 (2024): June


Palm Sugar, Branding, Marketing, E-Catalog



How to Cite

Rivaldi, R. R. ., Safitri, S. ., Arianti, D. ., Fasa, F. ., Yaasmiin, I. ., Widiantari, K. T. A. ., … Susilawati, S. (2024). Efforts to Improve Product Quality and Marketing of Palm Sugar Through Branding and E-Catalog in Karang Bayan Village, Lingsar District, West Lombok Regency. Unram Journal of Community Service, 5(2), 49–52. https://doi.org/10.29303/ujcs.v5i2.465


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The purpose of implementing this activity is to help improve the quality of palm sugar production in Karang Bayan Village and to be able to expand market share, both local and modern markets by marketing through social media. This study used a descriptive method, namely UNRAM KKN students in Karang Bayan Village, Lingsar District, West Lombok Regency for the 2023 period conducted a survey directly to the location of palm sugar production. Based on the results of the discussion, it can be concluded that the production process of solid palm sugar includes the preparation of tools and materials, the processing process which includes tapping, boiling, filtering, printing, as well as packaging and branding. Marketing is done through branding and e-catalogs. Branding is an effort to build and enhance the identity of a brand/brand with a very broad scope, while branding efforts include making a business name, logo and business location. While the E-catalog is data on various products that are designed with an editing application. E-catalog creation efforts include a list of business products as well as product information such as prices, product photos, cellphone numbers and addresses. The benefits of e-catalog itself are that it is easier to access by various parties, information on goods and services is more transparent and more effective in improving the performance of goods procurement


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Author Biographies

Riyan Rifki Rivaldi, University of Mataram

Sofianti Safitri, University of Mataram

Devita Arianti, University of Mataram

Farida Fasa, University of Mataram

Imtiyaaz Yaasmiin, University of Mataram

Komang Tri Ayu Widiantari, University of Mataram

Wirawan Adi Pratama, University of Mataram

Johanes Alexander Andry Sutanto, University of Mataram

Lovina Rachmayani, University of Mataram

Sri Andini Listiawati, University of Mataram

Susilawati, SCOPUS ID : 37461206900, Departement of Education, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, University of Mataram

SCOPUS ID : 37461206900, Universitas Mataram, Magister of Science Education Program, Indonesia

SCOPUS ID : 3746120690 SINTA


Copyright (c) 2024 Riyan Rifki Rivaldi, Sofianti Safitri, Devita Arianti, Farida Fasa, Imtiyaaz Yaasmiin, Komang Tri Ayu Widiantari, Wirawan Adi Pratama, Johanes Alexander Andry Sutanto, Lovina Rachmayani, Sri Andini Listiawati, Susilawati

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